"Is there anything more depressing if we can look at, but could not touch? If we can feel, but was unable to speak? If we are in the same world, but there is air that separates us?" ~(49 Days)~
"Old friends
or new, if indeed they are best friends will always provide assistance. Accidentally or not." ~(49 Days)~

"If it is for politics, then I will be Mishil... But the moment I hold a knife, I become Dae Jang Geum." ~(My Princess)~
"Till death do us apart" ~(49 Days)~

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

When I Was Child ({})

Ini foto-foto masa kecilkuu :3. Sumpah pengen balik ke masa kecil dimana belum ada masalah dan ujian-ujian yang bikin gua stress-__-
Me and My Mother
Me and My Brother
I am wearing my mother's T-shirt
Wkwk My cousin kissed my cheek
When I Was in Kindergarten (in Dufan)
Me with My Two Teeth
Me and My Brother in Puncak
I am dancing Pendet Dance
I am dancing Payung Dance
I am dancing Payung Dance too
When I Was in 3rd grade in Elementary School
Above from left to right (Awang, Putra, Maulana), Under from left to right(Aulia, Bella, Me, Alfi)
Yaa itulah kenangan-kenangan ketika saya masih kecil dan ketika SD. Ngga kerasa sekarang saya udah kelas 9 SMP dan ga sampe 6 Bulan lagi saya akan jadi murid SMA.

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