"Is there anything more depressing if we can look at, but could not touch? If we can feel, but was unable to speak? If we are in the same world, but there is air that separates us?" ~(49 Days)~
"Old friends
or new, if indeed they are best friends will always provide assistance. Accidentally or not." ~(49 Days)~

"If it is for politics, then I will be Mishil... But the moment I hold a knife, I become Dae Jang Geum." ~(My Princess)~
"Till death do us apart" ~(49 Days)~

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Casual is Cool B)

Hai Blogger!!!
Casual is the dress code that emphasizes comfort and personal expression over presentation and uniformity. It includes a very wide variety of costume, so it is perhaps better defined by what it isn't than what it is.
Kali ini gua mau ngebahas tentang casual. Menurut gua pribadi casual itu adalah gaya yang cocok buat anak muda. Simpel dan keren. Ga ribet dan formal. Ya tapi kita juga harus liat kapan harus make baju berdress code casual. Kalo mau ke pesta, ya pakenya yang formal lah. Tapi kalo cuma buat pergi ke Mall atau acara santai-santai mah pake casual aja.
Gua termasuk cewek yang ga suka sama baju yang ribet. Apalagi kalo gua disuruh pake dress. Paling anti deh gua-__-.Dan juga kalo disuruh pake wedges sama high heels. Ogah amat. Casual itu cocoknya sama sepatu sneakers.
Menurut gua casual itu adalah Jeans+T-shirt+Sneakers. Itu udah paling klop deh. Dan itu gua banget.

Cool kan Casual?

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