"Is there anything more depressing if we can look at, but could not touch? If we can feel, but was unable to speak? If we are in the same world, but there is air that separates us?" ~(49 Days)~
"Old friends
or new, if indeed they are best friends will always provide assistance. Accidentally or not." ~(49 Days)~

"If it is for politics, then I will be Mishil... But the moment I hold a knife, I become Dae Jang Geum." ~(My Princess)~
"Till death do us apart" ~(49 Days)~

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

My Wishes For Now And The Next Few Months

*Hasil tes penempatan bagus dan sesuai sama kemampuan gua*
*Rencana yang itu jadi*
*Eyang cepet sembuh*
*Nilai-nilai TO bagus semua*
*Ngejalanin bimbel serajin-rajinnya*
*Otak nambah encer*
*Tambah rajin Shalat 5 waktu*
*Nilai ulangan harian ga ada yang remed*
*Ga ada masalah yang bikin ga fokus*
*Sehat sampe nanti UN*
*Ngejalanin UN sejujur-jujurnya*
*Dapet NEM yang tinggi*
*Masuk SMA yang diinginkan*
*Menjalani kehidupan SMA yang baru dengan teman-teman baru*
*Dibeliin Onyx2 -__-*
*Dibeliin Samsung Galaxy Tab*
*Dibeliin Nintendi DSI*

Ya Allah kabulkanlah Do'a dan Permintaanku.

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