1. "May I hate someone for no reason?"
2. "Everything happened for a reason"
3. "Adakah yang lebih menyedihkan jika kita dapat memandang, tapi tak dapat menyentuh? Jika kita dapat merasakan, tapi tak mampu berkata-kata? Jika kita berada di dunia yang sama, tapi ada udara yang memisahkan kita?" ~(49 Days)~
"Is there anything more depressing if we can look at, but could not touch? If we can feel, but was unable to speak? If we are in the same world, but there is air that separates us?" ~(49 Days)~
4. "Till death do us apart" ~(49 Days)~
5. "Sahabat lama ataupun baru, jika memang mereka adalah sahabat pasti akan selalu memberikan bantuan. Tanpa sengaja ataupun tidak." ~(49 Days)~
"Old friends or new, if indeed they are best friends will always provide assistance. Accidentally or not." ~(49 Days)~
6. "If it is for politics, then I will be Mishil... But the moment I hold a knife, I become Dae Jang Geum." ~(My Princess)~
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