"Is there anything more depressing if we can look at, but could not touch? If we can feel, but was unable to speak? If we are in the same world, but there is air that separates us?" ~(49 Days)~
"Old friends
or new, if indeed they are best friends will always provide assistance. Accidentally or not." ~(49 Days)~

"If it is for politics, then I will be Mishil... But the moment I hold a knife, I become Dae Jang Geum." ~(My Princess)~
"Till death do us apart" ~(49 Days)~

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Rekomendasi Buku


 Synopsis :

Top Ten Reasons Samantha Madison is in Deep Trouble

10. Her big sister is the most popular girl in school
9. Her little sister is a certified genius
8. She's in love with her big sister's boyfriend
7. She got caught selling celebrity portraits in school
6. And now she's being forced to take art classes
5. She's just saved the president of the United States from an assassination attempt
4. So the whole world thinks she's a hero
3. Even though Sam knows she is far, far from being a hero
2. And now she's been appointed teen ambassador to the UN
and the number one reason Sam's life is over?
1. The president's son just might be in love with her 

Ini salah satu buku yang belom lama abis gua baca. Dan gua langsung jatuh cinta sama buku ini wkwk. Pas baca buku ini, gua tuh serasa ada di lokasi kejadian dan bahkan gua ngerasa jadi Samantha Madison(tkh utm) itu sendiri. Gua pengen banget ngerasain jadi Samantha yg udh nyelamatin Presiden Amerika dan pacaran sama putra Presiden yang ganteng dan bisa sering sering ke White House. Waaaah pokoknya gua saranin lo baca buku ini deh. Tapi kayaknya di toko buku udh ga ada lagi soalnya kyknya udh ga dicetak lg deh. Nah makanya kalo yg mau baca nih buku, pinjem aja ke gua. Gratis kok!!!

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